First major public appearance of MAHEPA at AERO 2019

This year MAHEPA project was exhibited at the well-known E-Flight-Expo at AERO 2019. The AERO 2019, which took place from 10th to 13th April in Friedrichshafen (DE), hosted over 32.000 visitors and 757 exhibitors from 40 countries.

We have used this unique opportunity to unveil the first results of MAHEPA – progress made on the powertrain design of the developed hybrid propulsion system into two aircraft – Panthera and Hy4. The integration of propulsion system into Panthera was shown utilizing the latest IT technologies.

Visitors had a chance to experience a virtual aircraft by sitting in a genuine pilot seat to view the newly developed cockpit of Panthera. But the experience did not end there – using HoloLens glasses visitors were able to see the virtual mock-up of Panthera and explore individual components of the hybrid propulsion system. The generator, electric motor and inverters were showcased. Not to neglect the physical world, models of the two aircraft were on display as well. The model of Hy4, the first four-seater aircraft, propelled by a hydrogen-fuel cell battery hybrid drivetrain, intrigued visitors with its unique twin fuselage configuration, while the model of Panthera encouraged attendees to explore its propulsion system components using the dedicated MAHEPA app.

Visitors were captivated by MAHEPA’s innovative approach, which led to interesting discussions and questions. Project partners’ representatives from Pipistrel, DLR, Compact Dynamics, H2Fly, University of Ulm, Politecnico di Milano and University of Maribor have answered many questions about anticipated development of aircraft propulsion system and MAHEPA’s vision for the future.

We would like to thank all visitors for their attendance and we hope to see you again at AERO 2020. Until then, stay tuned for updates through our website and Facebook, Linked in and Twitter accounts.