MAHEPA project was part of the European Transport Conference

Beginning steps of the electrification of commercial passenger aircraft transport were presented at the European Transport Conference, an annual conference of the Association for European Transport, held in Dublin in October 2019. Each year the conference presents an opportunity to interact with a range of speakers across the Transport Industry. The conference attracts transport practitioners and researchers from all over Europe where they can find in-depth presentations on policy issues, best practice and research findings across the broad spectrum of transport. The range of topics and the multi-seminar approach makes ETC unique among transport conferences and well established as the premier event of its type. The conference programme covered supranational issues, national and local policy and the implementation of projects at a local level. At the conference nearly 300 papers were presented at 10 daily parallel sessions. Conference was well visited as there were more than 500 participants from 30 different countries present.
The full conference proceeding is available here.

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