In the context of aviation Electric and Hybrid-Electric propulsion picked up incredible and unprecedented momentum. Development of standards for future application is a very complex task, typically with a 5-8 year horizon in activity before a proposed language is approved by the authorities and released into practice. MAHEPA prototypes with their demonstrations will serve as a tool to validate proposed certification basis (potential future standards) basis by trialing and proving technical requirements and envisioned means of implementation for core components of hybrid electric powertrains for CS-23 category of aeroplanes. There are, of course, future challenges to be addressed. This is particularly connected to streamlining certification of complex electronic hardware, use of COTS equipment and software. We urge the regulators and readers to consider the enablers of future means of flying, which relies heavily on affordable, yet reliable electronic hardware and software implementation. This is what will truly power the aircraft of the future.
December 4, 2019