The MAHEPA project consortium was invited to present some of the major project achievements at the 11th EASN Virtual International Conference on 3 September 2021.
The EASN conference was a success. It was attended by more than 420 participants from 31 countries worldwide, making it one of the largest EASN Association events.
The MAHEPA session included 11 very interesting topics, just to mention a few: HE powertrain modeling for airplane performance analysis and sizing, Optimal power management and mission profile for a HE aircraft, Safe, redundant and efficient Hydrogen FC system powertrain for electric aircraft applications, MAHEPA flight test experience and Strategy for HE short-haul air transportation.
The MAHEPA project session was attended by participants who were eager to learn about the technological achievements and developments behind the two propulsion systems; one that has already flown in November 2020, the Hy4 hydrogen FC hybrid aircraft, and one that will fly before the end of October 2021, the ICE hybrid-electric Panthera.
As the MAHEPA project slowly draws to a close, the project consortium has been able to share a lot of unique knowledge gained over the last four years. This knowledge will be a stepping stone for further developments in aerospace technology and for future zero-emission aircraft.