November 2, 2021
October 27, 2021
Towards the new era of aviation
MAHEPA (Modular Approach to Hybrid-Electric Propulsion Architecture) is one of the flagship Horizon 2020 projects, where eight European partners under the leadership of Pipistrel Vertical Solutions, joined their knowledge and expertise to revolutionize aviation. The... Continue readingSeptember 2, 2021
MAHEPA Workshop: Safety and HMI considerations in hybrid-electric aviation
We kindly invite you to a MAHEPA workshop on safety, reliability and HMI considerations in hybrid-electric aviation, which will be organised online by the MAHEPA consortium on Thursday, November 4th, 2021. The workshop will be devoted... Continue readingAugust 6, 2021
MAHEPA achievements revealed at the EASN conference
We are pleased to announce that the MAHEPA project will be part of the 11th EASN Virtual International Conference, which will take place from 1 to 3 September 2021. This year more than 380 presentations... Continue readingMarch 10, 2021
MAHEPA flight test results presented at E2Flight conference
This year, the MAHEPA project was presented at the E2Flight conference hosted by DLR and the University of Stuttgart. The concept behind E2Flight is to bring together research groups, universities, companies, and governmental organizations to... Continue readingFebruary 9, 2021
Conquering the sky through e-mobility and zero emissions
Radical improvements have to be made to realize the vision of carbon free aircraft technology and electric flights, as well as concept studies for the construction of airplanes, energy systems and combustion engines, aspects of... Continue readingOctober 19, 2020
Hybrid-electric aircraft discussed at the MAHEPA hybrid consortium meeting
The 8th MAHEPA Consortium meeting was organised by the Politecnico di Milano on 13 October 2020. Unfortunately, due to the current situation, only three of the consortium partners were able to come to Milan, the... Continue readingJune 17, 2020
MAHEPA Webinar
The MAHEPA project is developing key technologies and a roadmap for market implementation of future hybrid-electric airplanes. The MAHEPA webinar will present the MAHEPA project, the Agency’s contribution to it and possibly a brief outcome of the... Continue readingJune 12, 2020
7th consortium meeting held online: important goals for MAHEPA are set
The partners of the MAHEPA project gathered on 25 May 2020 for a two-day online consortium meeting. During the past period all specifically modified components of hydrogen fuel-cell hybrid powertrain (integrated in Hy4 aircraft) and... Continue readingMarch 20, 2020
MAHEPA Autumn School at TU Delft
Are you interested in learning about the future of more sustainable aviation from the leaders in electric flight? Do you aspire to deepen your knowledge about practical challenges of hybrid-electric flight? Do you want to... Continue reading- 1
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